AWS CloudWatch vs. Azure Application Insights

June 15, 2022

AWS CloudWatch vs. Azure Application Insights: Which Is Better?

When it comes to cloud hosting, monitoring and analytics are crucial for maintaining performance and optimizing resources. AWS CloudWatch and Azure Application Insights are two of the most popular platforms for monitoring cloud applications. But which one is better? In this blog post, we will compare AWS CloudWatch and Azure Application Insights based on features, pricing, and customer support.


AWS CloudWatch provides a range of monitoring and analytics features to help you track your resources and troubleshoot issues. Its key features include:

  • Customizable dashboards to track your key performance indicators (KPIs)
  • Alarm notifications for specified thresholds
  • Log analytics for application monitoring and auditing
  • Metrics and reports to track resource usage and performance

On the other hand, Azure Application Insights offers similar features, including:

  • Customizable dashboards and views for application performance monitoring
  • Autocollection of telemetry data for application errors, performance, and usage
  • Alerts and notifications for metric thresholds
  • Log analytics for application and server monitoring

Both platforms offer a range of application insights, but AWS CloudWatch provides more granular control over KPI tracking and alarm notifications.


Pricing is an important factor when choosing a cloud hosting platform. AWS CloudWatch offers a free tier with limited capabilities and a paid plan based on usage. The paid plan starts at $0.30 per metric per month, with additional charges for alarms and dashboards.

On the other hand, Azure Application Insights offers a free tier with no expiration date and a paid plan based on daily data volume. The paid plan starts at $0.01 per GB per day, with additional charges for alerts and telemetry data retention.

Both platforms offer reasonable pricing, but the Azure Application Insights free tier is more generous and flexible than AWS CloudWatch's.

Customer Support

When things go wrong, customer support is crucial for resolving issues quickly. AWS CloudWatch provides 24/7 support via email and phone, with a range of service level agreements (SLAs) for response time and issue resolution.

Similarly, Azure Application Insights also provides 24/7 technical support, with options for phone, email, and chat. It also offers an extensive knowledge base, tutorials, and community forums for self-help and troubleshooting.

Both platforms offer comprehensive customer support, but AWS CloudWatch's SLAs may be more attractive to enterprise customers.


AWS CloudWatch and Azure Application Insights are two excellent platforms for monitoring cloud applications. While they offer similar functionality, AWS CloudWatch provides more comprehensive monitoring and alerting capabilities, while Azure Application Insights offers a more flexible and generous pricing structure. Ultimately, your choice of platform will depend on your specific requirements and budget.


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